Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A twig in our Nations Capital...

Back here is where it all started. 
Hunter went to Boys State (thank you American Legion Volunteers!) 
and had such a great time he decided to run for Senator. 

A few weeks later he was on a plane for his first time, headed to Washington, DC.
There were 2 senators from each state totaling 98 boys from across the country
("Hawaii has something similar but not Boys State/Nation"
was the answer Hunter got when he checked for you - sorry Earl family).

The agenda kept the senators hopping from sun up till way after dark.
Their website posted pictures daily and we had a blast looking for
the cute guy with all the curly blonde hair.

Here are some of their pictures - thanks again American Legion!

Arlington National Cemetery and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

 Hunter and Jacob, the other Senator from Utah, with Orrin Hatch.

Meeting President Obama

Working in committees to review the bills/resolutions each boy Senator submitted 
to Boys Nation before flying out to DC.  

Hunter said the experience changed his life...

and he can hardly wait to help at next year's Boys State. 


  1. What a neat experience! I keep on having flashbacks to the little Hunter that I could fly around the house when I came to visit.

