Friday, September 4, 2015

A twig at Lyman Lake...

 Our girlie loves Stake Young Womens Camp! 

The Mr. and I got to go this year as cooks. 
It's a beautiful place...

but the real beauty of the place is in the spirit and the people.

A few of us got to break away from the kitchen for an hour 
when the girls were doing their challenge courses. 
The courses are fun and "challenging" but the amazing thing 
is what happens when the challenge is over. 

The Stake Leaders asked the girls questions about the challenge 
which related perfectly to life - parables of a sort. 

The spirit was booming through the trees 
and I was biting my lip like crazy trying to keep tears from shooting out of my eyes!
I had an absolute witness that God knows me, that life is good, and that we can do this with His help.

God is good and we are his children. He loves us all.  



  1. Hey, when did they get the cool sign over the lodge? That's awesome! They didn't have that when I was going there as a girl (and as a young adult in my singles ward, and as a stake leader . . . ) I miss Lake Lyman!

    1. You noticed! :)
      The host stake changed and the couple in charge are big project people. They totally revamped the kitchen. They've made lots of changes and are looking to do more.
      Lake Lyman misses you too ;)

