Monday, September 14, 2015

A donut and certain death...

We've seen beautiful pictures of a place called Donut Falls 
so for our last hurrah before school began, we went to see it for ourselves. 

It was a pretty ramble out yonder with some tree root paths 
reminiscent of many fun hikes in Washington and Oregon.

 Loved the rocky little stream crossing. 

It was all fun and games till I saw the sign. 
It's just behind the tall trees in the picture above. 
The exact wordage escapes me...but the sign said something like 

Donut Falls was "beyond this point"
at the tippy top of the boulder field.

With water running beneath them, 
it only makes sense that the rocks are unstable
and could shift at any time causing "certain death". 
As I stood at the bottom watching several people negotiate the rock-choked canyon,
 suddenly the twigs and the Mr. started heading up. 
What was there to do but follow? 

They must have missed that sign about certain death.

A little disclosure, we've had lots of fun in the outdoors
but the "zombie bite" that the Mr. got here last year has changed something in me. 
I hope it's the proverbial "falling off a horse" experience 
and I just need to get back on the horse.

This little scramble was a real gut check for me - especially after reading the lovely sign. 
I didn't enjoy it like I usually do.    :(

I'm hoping the fear goes away and the fun comes back. 

The twigs got to the top of the rocks and then disappeared...

with the Mr. into this cave.

Tada!! Donut Falls!   :)

It was a magical place.   :)

It was also a very popular place so we couldn't stay for long
as there was a line of hikers wanting their turn inside too.

One of my friends says we should do this in the winter.
He and his family snowshoe in when the pines are heavy-laden and glistening with snow.
Let's go! 

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