Sunday, September 24, 2017

A week in Alaska, day four...whales ahoy!!

Morning four we enjoyed low tide at "Sandy Beach". 

It's a small world!
When we told Grandma we were going to Sitka, 
she said we had a cousin who lived there. 
Thanks to facebook, 
we were able to connect with Rod and Patty 
even before we got to Sitka. 

You seriously could not find nicer relatives! 
One night in Sitka they brought pizza over 
and we had dinner together. 
They also gave us salmon and halibut that they got from their neighbor
and told us how to cook it their favorite way - yum!! 

Scott and April had a connection in Sitka too, 
a family in their church group that
 ran a whale watching tour. 

Scottie made reservations several months ahead 
so day four we got to look for whales!

We headed for Silver Bay and 
I don't know what I was expecting, maybe this?

(photo credit - Rudee Tours)

Turns out that whales are quick breathers! 
They're up, sucking air, and back down in just seconds! 

You can hear them before you see them 
but by the time you see them 
they're back down again! 

Scottie got some fluke shots when the whales would dive.

We saw a little sea lion family too.

Wasn't that so nice of him to show me his teeth! 
He knew I'd like that. ;)
I'd love to clean those teeth if Mr. Sea Lion was asleep.

This fishing boat was interesting...
they spread out a big net, 
then pulled it in 
and dumped their catch onto the deck of the boat. 
The white critters left over in the net are jellyfish.

This little otter was pretty oblivious to us,

just floating along.

Our captain heard there were more whale sightings out in Sitka Sound
and cautioned us that it would be much rougher water. 
Everyone headed inside to watch, 
everyone except these hearty souls that is!

They were hanging on tight, getting totally drenched, 
and laughing the whole time!

After a wave would pummel us, 
the captain would clear the windshield with his wipers
so you can just barely see the whale in the middle of this picture. 

It was a blast!!
Whales ahoy!!

Monday, September 18, 2017

A week in Alaska, day three...

Low tide was our friend every morning
and we'd head for a beach.

I'd read about a place called "Magic Island" 
that was only accessible at low tide 
but search as I might I couldn't figure out where it was.

Our super helpful car rental agent knew where it was though, 
at Halibut Point State Park.  
 Low tide the third day
we went searching and were richly rewarded.

It was magic for me!

More rocks meant more little friends to say "Hi" to our Hunter.  ;)

After exploring Magic Island, 
the trail took us past a totem pole

then back into the rain forest.

The trail work was so well done
and the ground was supersaturated
so you'd kind of bounce with each step.
It was like the ground had little shock absorbers.

We'd read about a place called "Totem Trail" 
in Sitka National Historic Park.

The history behind each totem pole was unique
but there were themes, like "raven"
whose beak is the only thing with much paint left on this totem.

Raven's holding the moon on this totem. 
I thought it was a banana 
but Scottie read us the real interpretation. 

Another theme was tall hats, 
possibly modeled after Abraham Lincoln's hat.

There were also whales on several totems. 
This one was pretty rad - dig that tail!

I liked the frogs 
and the eyes on the totems.

Hey Star Wars fans, 
is it just me or do you see an ewok!?!

We got to see some of the historic buildings

and loved the history and views from Castle Hill.

What a beautiful place!

Sunday, September 10, 2017

A week in Alaska, days one & two...

Some months back, 
Scott and April said they wanted to see Alaska,
and were we interested in going with them? 
Um, yes! 
Sign me up!

We all searched the internet for the best deals 
and came up with a plan. 
April picked Sitka and away we went!

Sitka's airport is one of the top 10 scariest airports in the U.S.

and these pictures from the internet show why.

We landed quickly, 
met the most helpful car rental guy, 
and got tucked in at our airbnb. 

The next morning was low tide 
so we headed for the water. 
Salmon were jumping all over the place

and the fishermen were ready. 

We met this little boy named Daniel 
and his awesome Mom. 

It was the first day of school for Daniel's siblings 
and his mom was catching some salmon for dinner. 

His Dad was in the Coast Guard 
and away for 2 months 
so his Mom said she was doing her part, 
AND that she just really loved fishing. 
She was so much fun to talk with! 

We didn't fish but we did catch these cute little critters. 

Hunter, you'd have been in heaven. 
They were everywhere!

Daniel's Mom told us to just turn over a rock and we'd find lots. 

She was sooo right!!!

Another fisherman told us about a river 
just up from where we were at Starrigavan Bay

where salmon were headed to spawn.
They were thick!

There was a beautiful boardwalk across the river 
that meandered off into the forest 
called the Muskeg Trail so we took it and found this guy. 

They grown things big in Alaska.

As we walked, 
we picked and ate berries
(April's idea),
and passed a man jogging with his large dogs 
while carrying bear spray in his hand. 

Then we passed a tour guide with his little group of cruise ship passengers 
and he had bear spray in his hand too.

Hmmm.....we were laughing so much 

I guess we scared the bears away.

We went to Whale Point

and scared the whales away too

but it was a beautiful place. 

Did I say earlier that we scared all the bears away?
we didn't scare this guy or his buddies. 

He lived at the Fortress of the Bears, 
a bear sanctuary. 

His mom had been killed so he'd been rescued 
but couldn't be released. 
That was too bad because if I were a bear I think Sitka would be 
the perfect place to live.