Monday, March 21, 2016

Mini adventures with billy goats and a troll...

The twigs are both in High School but Hunter only has a 
High School Seminary class. 
All the rest of his classes are at the college 
so the twigs essentially have "Spring Break" on different weeks. 

Karen warned me years ago this would happen.
  (Thanks Karen!  ;)

This year instead of a week long "Spring Break" vacation,
we're having two separate weeks 
of mini "Spring Break" adventures.

Lucky us, 
Scottie & April joined us for the first of our mini adventures!   :)

The twigs were in Seminary on Friday afternoon
so we took off with Scott & April for a picnic and some geocaching
along the shore of The Great Salt Lake.  

Scott & April haven't geocached much but they sure have the knack!
Hucklemucklemoo baby!!

That night we picked up the twigs & their friends 
and the 8 of us headed out for a night hike.
It was beautiful!

In addition to the beautiful view,
 we got another opportunity to carry on our 
tradition of 
"Billy Goats Gruff."

If you look closely, 
you can see the twigs and their friends 
standing on rocks in the creek 
calling out in their most threatening troll voices
"Who's that tripping over my bridge!"

Scott & April love books
and tell the best fairy tales!

Whenever we're hiking with them and happen upon a bridge, 
the reenactment of the goats and troll begins.

Below, was our twigs
first thespians experience with 
 "Billy Goats Gruff."

The video makes us laugh, 
 - such good memories.   :)
Our cute little "baby troll in training" 
wasn't too sure at first but she picked it up quick. 

Our first "Billy Goats Gruff"

 This was the sight of another 
"Billy Goats Gruff"

"Trip trap trip trap..."

Thursday, March 17, 2016

An alternative to mud...

A few weekends ago we were itching to go hiking 
but all the trails were muddy.  
The twigs came up with an alternative.

There was a pretty little stream and green trees 
so with some imagination it worked.   

The City Creek Centre has an simulated creek running through the shopping centre.  At first I was told this was actual water from the creek that runs through this area, but someone else said that this water is treated.  However, there is a creek along the sidewalk next to the LDS Conference Centre that I am told is water from the actual creek that used to run from the canyon in the mountains to a river on the edge of downtown.
(photo from everyday tourist)

The twigs headed to one end of City Creek Center, 
took this pic, 

and texted it to the Mr. and me. 

We headed to the other end of City Creek Center,
took this pic, 
and texted it to the twigs.

Then the race was on to find 
where the other two had taken their picture, 
and text back a pic of us in the same spot, 
before they could do the same.

We did it over and over again till we finally stumped the twigs
with West Elm. 

That place is totally tucked way back in there!    ;)

Fun times!   :)

Thanks, twigs, for the great idea.  <3

Monday, March 14, 2016

A weakness for trees...

I have a weakness for trees.  <3
Aren't they just the best?!

Sixteen years ago, when our house was brand new, 
we couldn't afford trees and sprinklers. 

I assured the Mr. 
I'd be happy to water the lawn by hand
if he was cool with forgoing the sprinkler system for trees, 
beautiful green trees. 

Fast forward 16 years of beautiful green tree growth 
and now our garden gets no sun. 

I borrowed a chain saw pole saw from Jim
and climbed up to the top of our ladder but no luck. 
Our beautiful green trees were too tall 
for me to even make a dent. 

So we called these guys and they went to work with ropes, harnesses 
and ginormous ladders. 

They removed 2 trees and thinned 4 others. 
Let there be sunshine!

I was totally surprised what a resonating boom 
even little trees make when they hit the ground! 

Our little garden will be so happy this summer.   :)

Thursday, March 10, 2016

A little spare change...

Hunter felt like his schedule wasn't too crazy this semester 
so when he heard about a part-time job in the fitness center
where he could work on homework if things were clean
and patrons didn't need assistance,
he jumped at the opportunity.

After all, a little spare change 
would be pretty handy. 

Stop in, say "Hi" and show him your fastest mile
if you're in the neighborhood.   

Monday, March 7, 2016

What a sweetheart...

Hunter and this wonderful girl went to Sweethearts Dance a few weeks ago. 

Their day date was a scavenger hunt 
around the neighborhood with 3 other couples 
gathering frosting and decorations for sugar cookies. 
Then they got treats and decorated cookies. 

They'd made their flowers together a few days before

and they looked great! 
Their flowers looked great too!  ;)

She sent us this picture of their group. 

Good times!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

You make a difference...

One of my awesome nephews called Friday morning. 
He had flown in for a speaking engagement at a conference in SLC 
and was driving through to pick up his college boy 
so they could spend the evening together. 
As he drove, we visited on the phone and made arrangements 
to get his son back to Idaho for him the next morning

My nephew mentioned he'd seen a couple
of his past students the night before. 
One, in particular, he'd been concerned about several years ago. 
Concerned for his future as the young man was drifting. 
Time had passed and the young man was now in a great place, 
happy in his personal life, professional life and spiritual life. 

He thanked my nephew for something he'd said 
that had made a difference in this young man's life. 
My nephew was surprised and grateful, very grateful.

What a sweet feeling to know you've made a difference.

Emerson wrote this and as a teenager I loved it! 
I had it on a big poster in my bedroom and read it all the time.  :)

In an October 2015 post on Zac's blog
"A Branch in Israel," 
he wrote this.

"To Mother figures in my life, both on my mission and back home:
Most of you who fall into this category probably won't even realize 
how much you have done for me. 
From everyone who has fed, cared for, and helped me on my mission, 
to those who taught and helped me through school and early college, 
to those who taught me in church, 
you have all played a huge role in my life. 
Thank you for loving me enough to go out of your way to help me, 
even though I am not your actual son. 
Your care has meant so much."

Ditto, thank you to all our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. 
Know that you make a difference to us.

(Our nephew's fun college boy after a great time with his Dad.  :)