Friday, January 29, 2016

Two love stories and a little taste of heaven...

Just before Christmas we had a house full of wonderful family, 
all here to celebrate the love shared between these two people, 
Jessica & Joe. 

It was so much fun!!

Katie snapped this picture one evening
 when I was on my way home from the office 
of everyone trying a Utah tradition, Betos. 

Which brings me to the second love story in this post. 
See the cute little red-head with the striped shirt in the above picture, just to the left of center?

He is Katie & Keith's son
and his name is Charlie.
He met Joe's sweetheart at their family reunion last summer 
and was instantly a fan.

I'm crazy about little kids 
and loved Charlie's interactions with Jessica

Charlie has PKU so he can't eat lots of things most of us can eat, 
including wedding cake. 

Jessica is a college student who loves baking 
and she made their wedding cake.
She didn't stop there though. 
She also made a little wedding cake just for Charlie 
that was low "phe" so he could eat it
and feel included in the festivities.

I'll never forget the look on his face when he found out it was
okay for him to eat that gorgeous little cake
Jessica made special for him. 

(photo by bright angel imagery)

I thought he might dig right in,
but instead he jumped up and gave Jessica a hug,
thanking her for her gift. 

It still makes my eyes water.

I love these lines from "The Family"

"The divine plan of happiness enables family relationships
to be perpetuated beyond the grave."

"Sacred ordinances... available in holy temples 
make it possible...for families to be united eternally."

It was all a little taste of heaven on earth.
Congrats Joe & Jessica.



  1. Thanks putting this together Patti! Reading this sure made me happy and remember the fun day we all had. Sure love you guys!

  2. It truly was a taste of heaven on earth!! Thank you for being a part of it Patti, Paul, Hunter and Emily!!

  3. Jessica is an amazing woman whom I deeply admire and respect. I can attest she is an excellent baker, but even better she is genuine and loving.

  4. We had such a great time hanging out at your house before the big day! I get a bit emotional every time I see a picture of Charlie and that special little cake. It speaks volumes about a person when they think of others on their own wedding day. What a special day it was!

    1. :) Me tooo!!
      I totally agree, volumes! What a girl!
      Love you Katie girl <3

