Sunday, November 20, 2016

Gone to Carolina, together forever because of Him...

When Zac left on his mission to The Carolinas, 
people were so thoughtful and generous. 

They gave him money to help with the expense of his mission 
and they gave me treats and flowers. Hahaha! 
What fabulous friends! 

Susannah gave us this plaque and we hung it 
right where we could see it most often. 
It was perfect and after all, 
that's what Zac's mission was all about for us. 

I've had experience upon experience 
which has confirmed to me
 that families can be together for eternity, 
that life goes on beyond the grave, 
that everything will be made right.

Joseph B. Wirthlin,
one of my favorite people ever, 
explained it like this...

"I think of how dark that Friday was when Christ was lifted up on the cross.

On that terrible Friday the earth shook and grew dark. 
Frightful storms lashed at the earth.

On that day the veil of the temple was rent in twain.

On that Friday the Savior of mankind 
was humiliated and bruised, abused and reviled.

I think that of all the days 
since the beginning of this world’s history, 
that Friday was the darkest.

But the doom of that day did not endure.

The despair did not linger because on Sunday, 
the resurrected Lord burst the bonds of death. 
He ascended from the grave 
and appeared gloriously triumphant 
as the Savior of all mankind.

Each of us will have our own Fridays—those days 
when the universe itself seems shattered 
and the shards of our world 
lie littered about us in pieces. 
We all will experience those broken times 
when it seems we can never 
be put together again. 
We will all have our Fridays.

But I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death—
Sunday will come. 
In the darkness of our sorrow, 
Sunday will come."

I feel such power in those words!

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