Monday, October 3, 2016

Gone to Carolina, traveling...

This summer after Zac came home from his mission 
to his beloved people in the Carolinas 
and before Hunter left home for his mission 
to the wonderful people of New Hampshire, 
we hopped a plane or two. 

We went back to Zac's most recent stomping grounds 
so he could introduce us to the people and places 
he'd loved in North and South Carolina.

Traveling in and of itself can be an adventure 
and one of our biggest laughs came from this little guy 
who had found a unique way to pass time 
while waiting for his flight. 

The twigs noticed him first and snapped this picture. 

Can you see the sign above him as he rides the moving sidewalk hand rails?

Yup, he was definitely embracing creativity!

We loved the green that is the Carolinas!

This was our girlie's first time on a plane 
and all three twigs on one flight or another
 got the chance to enjoy a window seat. 

Yikes - we were sad to see our favorite Antelope Island on fire!

On our last layover as I watched people hurrying by, 
carts zipping here and there, 
I considered the marvel it is to fly across the country 
and the orchestration required 
to make things run as smoothly as they do. 

It amazes me!

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