Monday, July 13, 2015

The friendly month of May...

We've been delighted the last two months to have lots of family and friends stop by for a visit!

In May we got to play with Tyson and Suzanne's Family.

 We're so happy they've moved nearby!

Sarah and Darren's Family came twice, on their way to and from "The Mighty 5."

They had us try Indian Food for our first time. It was yummy!

This little guy could have just stayed the with us the whole time his parents were hiking in Southern Utah! He's so cute!!

Sheila & Button came for a visit too.

 We played Tenzi and our girlie tried to shoot some pool with Button on her shoulder.

Sheila took us up on our offer to go on a ramble out yonder. It was a buggy time of year on the island but she'd never been there so she was game. As we pulled up to the ranger toll booth, there was a warning sign posting "no refunds because of bugs." You're so right, what were we thinking?

We decided to chance it and did fine the first hour. By the time we'd reached the top of the ridge, the day had heated up, the bugs had woken up, and we were the "spéciale du jour".

The second hour we kind of ran for our lives but it was all good.   ;)

Sheila caught this picture in the nick of time as a pod of pelicans flew over our heads and circled for just a minute. They were stunning.

 Thanks guys for the good times - come again!   :)

1 comment:

  1. What busy happy times! I am SO glad Sarah and Darren introduced you to Indian food! It is one of my absolute favorite cuisines. I craved it intensely during both of my pregnancies.

