Monday, January 12, 2015

Duck hunting and cattail clouds...

To earn extra credit in Biology, our girlie was to photograph and identify ducks and geese in our area. That was the perfect excuse on our Christmas break, before the snow flew and the temperatures dropped below freezing, to go duck hunting. (It was a beautiful afternoon - no filters.)

We really had to hunt to find them! We didn't even know we'd seen northern shovelers till the pictures were on the computer and we could zoom in on these two. 

 The girlie caught these mallards in flight on a phone camera - nice timing girlie!

When I was little, my mom showed me how to explode cattails. It's a blast and the twigs love to do it as much as I do. My girlie and I were walking along this road, hunting for ducks, when the next thing we know Hunter had snagged some cattails and was having a heyday exploding them just upwind of us!

I was too busy screaming, laughing, and running from the clouds of cattail seeds to get a picture, but the remains of the cattail clouds were all over the road. Duck hunting with the twigs was my kind of "homework."


  1. What fun memories this brings back to me! Remember when we were walking along that boardwalk and we were falling into the cattails? I had no idea how much fun cattails could be!

    1. That was so much fun! We still talk about it. Good times with our Katie. ;)

