Monday, February 24, 2014

Laundry day...

It's laundry day. 
On a cold winter day I LOVE having my arms full of clean warm laundry, fresh from the dryer. I keep a picture of my beautiful little blue-eyed mother in my laundry room, just to remind me and keep me grateful on those days I'm not feeling grateful for laundry...

It's a tiny picture but it sure does the trick. There she is...outside with the honey making warehouse in the background and her dryer...a clothes line. Yup! Does the trick!
I'm SO grateful on laundry day to be able to take arms full of clean warm laundry, fresh from the dryer.
Happy laundry day, all.


  1. I love this post. Thank you for sharing your perspective on laundry. It applies to so many other parts of life, and I'm grateful. Thanks for scanning that lovely pic of grandma too. I just copied it, printed it and will be putting it up in my laundry room (and for the record, I still think it's crazy that I have a laundry room... I'm too young - lol). I so enjoy reading your blog. The love, faith, kindness and acceptance I always felt coming to your house seeps through the pages :) It's the next best thing to living in the same town, I suppose. Speaking of which, Christmas ended up being super busy for us, so I'm sorry we didn't get together when we were in your neck of the woods. I'll be on the look-out for another opportunity though, and you guys are always welcome in Kennewick. We have a real bed in the guest room now, and Ben makes sure to jump on it occasionally to keep it soft :). Love you guys.

    1. Love you so much sweet girl! Sorry we didn't make it to Logan over Christmas too. Imagining Ben jumping on the bed makes me smile. Glad you could copy Grandma's laundry day picture - it's a keeper! :)

