Saturday, September 19, 2020

Slot Canyons and camping on BLM Land

We headed for orange rock and slot canyons 
with Scott and April at the end of September. 

They've have lots of experience camping on BLM 
(Bureau of Land Management) lands so they showed us the ropes. 

The first slot canyons were in 
Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument. 

Cottonwood Wash Narrows was a new one to us. 

Willis Creek Slot Canyon was next. 
We'd hiked it with the twigs many years ago.
(Cute kids <3)

It was just as beautiful this time as we remembered!

Grosvenor's Arch was just off the dirt road near where we camped. 

Little Wildhorse Slot Canyon was our next destination

and along the drive we got to watch Scott fly his drone. 

It's an amazing little piece of technology 
that flies back to you when it gets 
just about out of range 
or just about out of battery - very cool!

Near Little Wildhorse, we camped right next to the bluffs below
and it was one of my favorite memories of the trip. 

The stars and stillness at night filled my soul.

We've visited Litttle Wildhorse Slot Canyon many times but can't get enough. 

Can't say enough how grateful we are for this beautiful world 
and for dear ones to enjoy it with!!