Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December roses...

There's a saying that's been much on my mind the last few days, something about roses in December. I looked it up and this is it's origin: “God gave his children memory, that in life’s garden there might be June roses in December” (C. Anketall Studdert-Kennedy).

Our June (actually October) roses looked like this.

 Our December roses are yummy and in bottles.

The very best thing about our December roses is that they are soft so this little girlie can eat them.

She was cursed with incredibly obstinate teeth. None of her baby teeth wanted to make their appearance and once they were here they just wouldn't leave. Now the permanent teeth have picked up the obstinate ball and are running with it.

She's had surgery on her mouth 4 times this year to hook all kinds of buttons and brackets onto "said teeth" so they could be coaxed into place. The last surgery was the day before Thanksgiving so she's back to eating those December roses.

What a curse I keep thinking...but I've watched enough of you, dear family and friends, endure and grow through great difficulty, heartache, and pain, to make me wonder if this is...dare I even say it...a blessing.

I noticed our girlie's wall in her room when I was putting something in her closet on Monday. It looks like this...

It's filled with sayings like, "If God brought you to it, He will bring you through it" and, "If life gets too hard to stand, Kneel."

Might it be that this pain and hardship is her catalyst to continue building her relationship with God the Father and His Beloved Son, Jesus the Christ.

I also noticed that the only "guy" picture hanging on her wall was Him.

(Thanks, Sister White, for the beautiful picture!)

I'm grateful for my sweet girlie, for our December roses, for Acetaminophen, and for Him. xoxo

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