Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Kipper the dog...

When the twigs were just little sprouts, their pleas for a new family member were finally entertained. We searched the dog pound and rescue shelters till we found just the right guy, then we brought him home and named him "Kipper" after the cartoon "Kipper the Dog."

He was a crazy guy for the first couple years and could hardly contain himself if we pet him, he just had to shake it all off the second we were done. He grew to tolerate us and our affectionate ways, then he grew to love us.
And oh, how we loved him!

He also loved cats, chasing cats! He didn't know what to do with them once he got close so he'd just stand there and wait for them to start running again so he could chase them again. haha

He was always up for some garbage...

...and a friend...

...and a ramble out yonder.

...and a ride back to the car when slickrock made his feet hurt.

Our buddy, Kipper, got terribly sick last week and on Saturday morning left us to go chase cats in that big field in the sky.

Do you think dogs go to heaven?

They must 'cause it wouldn't be heaven without them.

We love you Kipper!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness Patti! I have just been playing catchup on your blog and what sad things! I remember Kipper and all his enthusiasm. Dogs DEFINITELY go to heaven! As do all the sweet animals. I agree, it wouldn't be heaven without them. I am sorry to hear of your trials lately. You are all in my prayers.

